
Subjects and programs


Year 7

Students in Year 7 study core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Humanities (Geography/History), HPE, The Arts, Technologies and Japanese.

Year 8

Our Year 7 students will have experienced the full range of our curriculum areas and are now well positioned for success in Year 8.

The junior secondary years at Coolum State High School are about creating strong foundations for learning at school and as life long learners as they enter study, work and future challenges.

Year 9

The end of Year 8 marks an important time in the junior secondary phase of learning at Coolum State High School. Our Year 8 students will have experienced the full range of our curriculum areas and are now able to make choices which position them for success in Year 9.

The junior secondary years at Coolum State High School are about creating strong foundations for learning at school and as life long learners as they enter study, work and future challenges. We wish to support parents and students to ensure they are making the best possible subject choices that align with students' talents, abilities, interests and future plans.

Year 10

Year 10 is a transition year into Years 11 and 12 in the Senior School. Students complete a core of English, Maths and Science. They choose three electives from the learning areas of Humanities, HPE, Technology, The Arts and Languages other than English (LOTE).

Years 11 and 12

All students in Year 11 must study six subjects in each of the four semesters which make up Years 11 and 12. Three subjects must be studied continuously from Semester 1 Year 11 until the end of Year 12 in order for students to gain their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

It is important to choose senior subjects carefully as your decisions may affect, not only the types of careers you can follow later, but also your success at, and feelings about, school. Even though there are many factors to consider, choosing your course of study can be made easier if you go about the task calmly and logically, and follow a set of planned steps.

All subjects offered are dependent on the school's available human physical resources.

For more information, refer to the relevant Subject Information Handbook.

Last reviewed 20 February 2025
Last updated 20 February 2025