Coolum State High School operates under a School Enrolment Management Plan (EMP) which ensures that sufficient facilities are available for in-catchment students.
A catchment area is the defined geographical area from which a state school accepts its core intake of students. To enrol in a school which has a School EMP in place, students must meet the eligibility criteria.
Students within catchment
Any student, whose principal place of residence is within the school's catchment area/s, is (subject to the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006) entitled to enrol at the school. The school Principal will reserve places for students who move into the catchment area throughout the year.
Students who are entitled to
enrol as if in-catchment
following groups of students will be entitled to enrol, even though they may
reside outside the school’s catchment area:
- Children and young people who are subject to
child protection orders that grant guardianship or custody to the Chief
Executive Officer of the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability
Services (Child Safety Services)
- Siblings of current students
- Students whose parent or legal guardian is
employed by the school
- Students who live outside the catchment area
and are verified with a disability can enrol in the school to attend the
specialised disability program if it is the closest program to their home and meets their individualised needs
- Students who have been excluded from another
school, dependent upon the conditions related to the exclusion, subject to agreement of the Regional Director.
Families living in temporary arrangements
Provision has been made for families living in temporary arrangements or awaiting to confirm permanent accommodation and who may find proof of residence difficult.
Applications from
any other person, not meeting the criteria outlined above, is an out-of-catchment
application. Enrolment of students from outside the local catchment area is restricted to ensure that the total current and forecast enrolments do not exceed the Student Enrolment Capacity. This school can only enrol out-of-catchment students: I. if there is sufficient spare capacity after reserving places for students who move
into the catchment during the year; and
II. after taking into account the school's projected future enrolment growth.
Out-of-catchment students applying for enrolment at this school are placed on a waiting list and assessed in order of receipt.
names of all children in your family who you wish to enrol at Coolum State High
School may be added to the same form.
Please return the completed form to the Administration Office with:
- copies of the student's Academic Reports for the last two semesters from their current school;
- a completed and signed Statutory Declaration stating that proof of principal place of residence within catchment will be provided to the school within a reasonable amount of time ie 6 months from the date of application.
- any other relevant supporting documentation.
You will be notified of the decision within
three weeks of the date of receipt of the application.
For more information in relation to Coolum State High School's catchment, please visit
School Enrolment Managements plans procedure