Student Absence
All absences must be explained and in line with the school's Attendance Policy. To notify the school of a student's absence, please use QParents, the school's preferred method of communcation:
Student Attendance
It is a requirement of the school that all students must attend all scheduled classes. All the substantive requirements of the course must be completed in order for credit to be assigned to the course of study.
Failure to meet with these requirements will result in an interview with the relevant Head of School to discuss continued enrolment.
These standards are particularly important to those students engaging in post compulsory schooling and/or receiving Youth Allowance payments.
Approved absences include: Illness, medical and dental appointments and urgent family concerns.
Unapproved absences include: Part time work social engagements, driving tests, leaving at lunch time (unless for an approved reason).
Parents/carers are responsible by law for explaining students absences. This data is entered into student details database.
Documentation - all students will be required to explain absences by:
- note, email or phone call to school from a parent/carer
- medical certificate in most cases of sickness.
Late to School
- All students arriving late to school are required to sign in at Student Services and collect a late slip to provide to the class teacher.
- It is expected when a student is late for school the following process should be followed:
- provide a note from their parents/carers explaining their lateness, or
- parents/carers may phone the Student Absence Line on 5471 5360 with a valid reason ahead of their students' arrival, or
- parents/carers may reply to the text sent requesting a reason for their students late arrival or
- parents can email prior to their students' arrival or
- notify using QParents their students' lateness prior to their arrival.
- The first time a student is late in a term they receive an official caution;
- The second time a student is late in a term they receive an official warning;
- If a student is late on a third occasion in the same term they will be referred to the Year Level Deputy Principal who may apply consequences including referral to the Rethink Room for a day.
Early Departure
Our students' safety is of utmost importance and the Coolum State High School's policy regarding departure from school grounds before 2.35pm reflects the school's duty of care.
The early departure policy is as follows:
At Coolum State High School, in-class learning is paramount between 8.30am and 2.35pm. All students and their families are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of these hours.
Any student who is required to leave school between 8.30am and 2.35pm must be met at the Administration Office by a parent/guardian, or nominated emergency contact, to ensure that the school exercises its duty of care.
This process will apply to all students, including those who need to leave school due to illness, with the only exception being students who must leave the school grounds for school-based apprenticeships, traineeships or work experience, flexible learning agreements, or senior students on exam blocks.
Should it be necessary that a student leave the school grounds during class-time, they must have a written and dated note to be released from class.
The policy applies to all students regardless of their age, including students who drive themselves to school.
Coolum State High School can only release students early from school when they are met by their parent, guardian or nominated emergency contact, from the Administration Office.
Extended Absences
Students who will be absent for more than ten consecutive school days must apply for an Application for Exemption from Compulsory Schooling or Participation. This must be completed and approved prior to the absence. This must be completed and approved prior to the absence. This must be completed and approved prior to the absence. This must be completed and approved prior to the absence.
Prior to completing the Application, please read Information for Parents and Students - Compulsory Schooling, for students who have not yet completed Year 10 or Information for Parents and Students - Compulsory Participation, for students in Years 11 or 12.
In any instance, please contact the Administration Office on 5471 5333 prior to submitting the Application for Exemption.